Saturday, January 3, 2009

Cairo Symphony Orchestra along with the Egyptian Movie "Palace of Desire"!

الخميس 4 من صفر 1425 هـ - 25 من مارس 2004 م

Cairo Symphony Orchestra presents a concert titled "Tonalism" in conjunction with electro-acoustic music on Thursday at 9:00 P.M. at the Small Hall of Cairo opera House. The Egyptian pioneer artist of this kind of music, Abdelfattah, will conduct the orchestra which will perform his compositions with displaying of visual variations of the Egyptian movie

Qasr El-Shoq” which in English means “Palace of Desire”. The original director of this movie was Hassan Al-Imam.

This is the story of the famous Egyptian novelist Naguib Mahfouz.

The orchestra also provides musical improvisations titled "On the wings of the air" with displaying of a documental film of the flying geese.
The concert will be presented with the cooperation of the cultural Japanese Foundation in Cairo. Dr. Abdelwahab will also conduct works by three Japanese composers.


“Comic Music at Cairo Opera House”

الخميس 4 من صفر 1425 هـ - 25 من مارس 2004 م

Opera House will present next Tuesday at 8:00 in the evening electro-acoustic music by Mohamed Abdelwahab Abdelfattah.

The concert involves several compositions which will be performed by chamber music ensemble of Cairo Conservatory. One of those compositions titled “Qahqaha”, which in Arabic means “Laughing Loud”. Dr. Abdelwahab composed this composition as therapeutic music especially for depression.

Contemporary Music at the Opera House

لأحد 29 من رجب 1423 - 6 من أكتوبر 2002 م

October 06, 2002

For the first time, Cairo Opera House presents a new experience of contemporary music which will be performed by the Cairo Symphony Orchestra, at the Small Hall on Saturday at 8:00 PM. The pioneer of this art in Egypt, Dr. Abdelfattah Mohamed, Abdelwahab will conduct this concert.

. Dr. Mohamed Abdelwahab Abdelfattah ia the first Egyptian to receive a doctorate in a discipline of "multi media art”.

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Black and white films .. Music in the Opera House

الخميس 17 من ذي الحجة 1425 هـ - 27 من يناير 2005 م

January 27, 2003

Dr.Abdelwahab Abdelfattah

The Egyptian Opera House will present a concert Under the title "the integration of the generations"
by Mohamed Abdelwahab Abdelfattah on the small theater next Monday. The concert will host Tariq Ali Hassan, who makes a number of his writings in the music room, including: Sonath cello and piano.. The song the words of Shakespeare's death.
The program of the ceremony provides a visual and audio of a number of ancient Egyptian films that formed part of the consciousness of film heritage in Egypt. Them, "Curlew prayers" De-Barakat and Faten Hamama Championship and the appearance of Zahra Ahmed Ela and honest livelihood. D adopt a vision. ة.. Ali Abdul Wahab reformulated story line of original music by Andrea Rider mixed with the sound effects that characterized the film as the voice of Curlew and the train and mill ... It also includes a fun piece of music concert entitled "Dance of comedy," accompanied by scenes from movies Fuad Ismail Yassin and engineer.
D.. Tariq Ali Hassan side that he is a known. It has a research operation in the area of endocrine disruptors. The first President of the National Cultural Center "Cairo Opera House.". Represents one of the leading authors of the second generation of Egyptians. Dr.. Abdul Wahab Abdul represents the fourth generation and its blends for the first time, between sound and image using techniques of modern technology.. This ceremony symbolizes the continuing succeeding generations of music.

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أفلام الأبيض والأسود.. بالموسيقي في دار الأوبرا!

تحت عنوان "تكامل الأجيال" تقيم دار الأوبرا المصرية حفلا موسيقيا للوسائط الالكترونية للفنان د. محمد عبدالوهاب عبدالفتاح يوم الاثنين القادم بالمسرح الصغير.. ويستضيف الحفل د. طارق علي حسن الذي يقدم عددا من مؤلفاته في مجال موسيقي الحجرة منها: صوناته التشيللو والبيانو. وأغنية الموت من كلمات شكسبير.
يتضمن برنامج الحفل تقديم رؤية بصرية وسمعية لعدد من الأفلام المصرية القديمة التي شكلت جزءا من وجدان التراث السينمائي في مصر. منها "دعاء الكروان" اخراج بركات وبطولة فاتن حمامة وأحمد مظهر وزهرة العلا وأمينة رزق. تعتمد رؤية د. عبدالوهاب علي اعادة صياغة الخط الدرامي من الموسيقي الأصلية التي وضعها أندريا رايدر تمتزج مع المؤثرات الصوتية التي ميزت الفيلم مثل صوت الكروان والقطار والطاحونة.. كما يتضمن الحفل قطعة موسيقية مرحة بعنوان "رقصة كوميدية" يصاحبها مشاهد من أفلام إسماعيل ياسين وفؤاد المهندس.
د. طارق علي حسن بجانب أنه مؤلف موسيقي معروف. فهو طبيب وله أبحاث عملية في مجال الغدد الصماء. ويعتبر أول رئيس للمركز الثقافي القومي "دار الأوبرا المصرية". ويمثل أحد رواد الجيل الثاني من المؤلفين المصريين. ود. عبدالوهاب عبدالفتاح يمثل الجيل الرابع وأعماله تمزج لأول مرة بين الصوت والصورة باستخدام تقنيات التكنولوجيا الحديثة. وهو ما يرمز به الحفل بتواصل الأجيال المتعاقبة في الموسيقي.

Al-Gomhuria Newspaper

Interview by Journalist


Seeing the Sound

By Mohammad Mostafa:

Dr. Abdelwahab Abdelfattah

Dr. Mohamed Abdelwahab Abdelfattah, associate professor at Academy of Arts University was established a new creative theory called the (seeing the sound)!!
.On the following lines I had this interview with him to spotlight his contemporary music.

Dr. Abdelwahab Abellfattah, was graduated firstly in the College of Applied Arts. After that, he obtained two B.A.s in music education and composition, 1986. He obtained also Master of Arts in composition theories and from Academy of Arts University, 1990. and then he obtained a doctorate from Vienna University in 1996
Dr. Abdelwahab is considered the first Egyptian composer who gets the highest degree in composition with focusing on electro- acoustic music under the well known Austria composer Dieter Kaufmann.

During I was reading his biography, he says:
Thank God after obtaining the doctorate which it was the first step to achieve my goa as artsitl. I appointed as a assistant professor and later as an associate professor at the Academy of Arts University.
During this work at Cairo opera, he found a new artistic theory in the theater shows based on (sound). He called his new theatrical technique the term (seeing the sound)!!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Electro acoustic music

March 2005
الخميس 22 من المحرم 1426 هـ - 3 من مارس 2005 م
د. عبدالوهاب عبدالفتاح

Dr.:Mohamed Abdel-Wahab AbdelFattah:
Image and Picture
By Thana’a El-Batal

The Pioneer of electro acoustic music is Mohamed Abdelwahab Abdelfattah. He is the first Egyptian composer presents an untraditional music by using the music technology.
He has become more recognize in the past five years. He has created a new style of music composition termed “Maqamisim” in several European cities and American including Vienna,, Zurich and Boston
Dr. Mohamed Abdelwahab Abdelfattah is an associate Professor of Academy of Arts University and Helwan University, who graduated from the College of Applied Arts and received a bachelor of music education and a Bachelor of composition and theories. He was appointed as a lecturer in 1987 at the same university. He also obtained a Master of Arts from the Academy of Arts in 1990. He then traveled to Austria to get a doctorate in the field of composition focusing on electro acoustic music. Mohamed Abdelwahab composed a large number of musical works for orchestra and chamber music and ballet. He presents his music in an untraditional theatrical style using visual art and music technology. He also created a new theory of composition which depends on the “sound effects”. He gave his pioneer technique a new term which is called “Seeing the sound”. He found a new relationship between sound and image.

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The discovering the sound of a defective car in a concert

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370 370 ‏السنة 123-العدد Year 123 - Issue 2004 2004 ابريل April 24 24 ‏1 ربيع اول 1425هـ 1 spring 1425 the first e السبت Saturday
Al-Ahram Al-Arabiد. عبدالوهاب عيدالفتاح
The discovering the sound of a defective car in a concert

If you have a musical ear, you can detect the defects of your care engine in a concert, We received this strange but serious news from Cairo Opera House. This is not a joke.
When we reviewed this news we discovered that is a concert by Dr. Mohamed Abdelwahab Abdelfattah who is the pioneer of electro acoustic music in Egypt and Arab world.
There is a musical piece in this concert is based on the relationship between care sound and the possible defect which will help the deriver to discover early before further damage.
Dr. Abdelwahab will apply his strange theory through recordings sound of cars passing by under the tunnel knows as May 15 behind Saqyat El Sawy.
Dear music lovers, prepare yourselves to recognize the difference between the old Abdelwahab and the new Abdelwahab, and god blesses and helps all of us.
اكتشاف عيوب سيارتك فى حقل موسيقى
إذا كانت ودنك موسيقية يمكنك اكتشاف عيوب سيارتك في حفل موسيقي‏,‏ جاءنا هذا الخبر الغريب بنفس الأسلوب‏,‏ وعندما تابعناه فهمنا أن هناك حفلا للدكتور محمد عبدالوهاب عبدالفتاح رائد موسيقي الوسائط الإلكترونية وأن في الحفل فقرة موسيقية طريفة تعتمد علي النظرية التي تؤكد أن هناك علاقة بين نوعية صوت أي سيارة والعيوب الفنية التي تظهر فيها مما يفيد في إصلاحها مبكرا قبل تفاقم مشكلاتها‏.‏ وأن الدكتور عبدالوهاب سوف ينقل أصوات السيارات المارة بالمصادفة أسفل كوبري‏15‏ مايو في موعد إقامة الحفل عن طريق ميكروفونات مثبتة في النفق الواقع خلف ساقية الصاوي ليطبق نظريته عمليا‏,‏ فاستعد صديقي المستمع ومحبي الموسيقي ومتذوقها للاستماع والاستمتاع ومعرفة الفارق بين حفلات عبدالوهاب القديم‏,‏ وحفلات عبدالوهاب الجديد‏,‏ وكان الله في عون الموسيقي ومستمعيها وعوننا‏.‏

Abdelwahab conducts deaf orchestra

418 418

‏السنة 123-العدد Year 123 - Issue

2005 2005

مارس March

26 26

‏16 صفر 1426هـ 16 zero 1426

السبت Saturday

Al-Ahram Al-Arabi Magazine

Abdelwahab conducts deaf orchestra

Cairo Opera House will present a concert, composed and directed by Dr. Abdelwahab Abdelfattah. The concert will involve deaf orchestra, who will perform compositions by using the kitchen utensils. Dr. Abdelwahab will conduct this group by using special gestures and the flash light to help him communicate with the deaf ensemble.

عبدالوهاب يقود أوركسترا للصم والبكم

بعنوان ومضات مسموعة أقامت دار الأوبرا المصرية حفل موسيقي الوسائط الإلكترونية تأليف وإخراج الفنان الدكتور محمد عبدالوهاب عبدالفتاح يعزف دقات الضوء مجموعة من الصم والبكم علي أداة الهون المستخدمة في المطبخ المصري يتم فيها توحيد دقات الهون بمساعدة ومضات الضوء وإشارات خاصة يؤديها المايسترو ليفهمها أعضاء الفرقة‏!!‏

Music for Deaf

The original news from the Al-Akhbar Newspaper
53 السنة - 16511 ه - العدد 1426 صفر من 14- م 2005 مارس من 24 الخميس 25-01-2005,
03:52 25-01-2005, 03:52
الصم والبكم يعزفون علي 'هون المطبخ'
Dr. Abdelwahab Abdelfattah
بعنوان 'ومضات مسموعة' تقيم دار الاوبرا علي مسرحها الصغير حفل موسيقي الوسائط الالكترونية تأليف واخراج الفنان د. محمد عبدالوهاب عبدالفتاح 8 مساء 29 مارس الحالي.. الحفل يتضمن قطعة موسيقية ايقاعية بعنوان دقات الضوء يعزفها مجموعة من الصم والبكم علي آداة 'الهون' المستخدمة في المطبخ المصري. كما يقوم فنان تشكيلي تحت ضوء الشموع برسم لوحة فنية بعنوان خطوط عفوية بالاضافة الي 3 قطع موسيقية مرحة عن طريق الحاسب الآلي ويختتم برؤية فنية جديدة لاغنية قارئة الفنجان لعبدالحليم حافظ.